Thu Lum village, Thu Lum commune

  • Muong Te District, Lai Chau Province
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Thu Lum village, Thu Lum commune is located in Muong Te district, Lai Chau province.

Thu Lum is a border highland commune, bordering China to the west with a border length of 36,246 km; more than 97 km from the district town center; has a total area in km2 which is natural: 11,289.1 ha, the area is wide, geographically dangerous, the valley is deep, the slope is steep, the cultivated land is small, and the traffic is still difficult.

The whole Thu Lum commune has 8 villages with 440 households, 2,343 people, with 05 ethnic groups living together. In which, Ha Nhi has 362 households, 1,932 people, accounting for 81%; The Dao ethnic group has 53 households, 265 members, accounting for 12%; La Hu ethnic group has 19 households, 110 people, accounting for 0.04%; Kinh ethnic group has 04 households, 12 people, accounting for 0.01%; Muong ethnic group has 02 households; 04 people, accounting for 0.001%.

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Doan Ket ward - Lai Chau town - Lai Chau province